Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Frames Completed

Just a quick post here.  Frames for the first floor were completed early this week. Placement of windows were also completed.  

One thing that we were happy about was having termite treated frames -distinguished by the blue-ish/green-ish color of the frames. We were under the impression that the untreated frames came as a standard. Kudos to Elderton, this was not the case in our build.  

Not that it makes much of a difference, untreated frames are fine. But by having termite treated frames, you get additional protection from termite attacks (this is in addition to the perimeter termite barrier protection).  Plus, you get a 20+ years guarantee for damages caused by termites. To think that other builders charge $3000+ for a treated timber frame upgrade, it is really a bonus for us.

On the flip side, we were unhappy because the completion of frames placed an onus on us to pay the builder for another claim.  lol.